This study x-rayed the influence, accessibility and use of electronic information resources as correlate of research output of librarians in Federal Universities in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research methodology was adopted for this study, in which total enumeration of the entire population was used for the study. Thus, the entire sample population of the librarians in seven (7) Federal Universities in North Central Nigeria was used as the respondents for this study. A closed-ended questionnaire was used as the instruments for data collection. Descriptive statistics of mean, and standard deviation was adopted to analyse the research questions, while inferential statistics of Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis was used to test the null hypotheses. The Findings of the study revealed that there was high level of availability, accessibility and use of electronic information resources among librarians in Federal Universities in North Central Nigeria. Furthermore, the result showed that librarians frequently used Internet, E-journal, E-book, Science direct, CDROM, and many more. Moreover, Librarians published mostly in professional journals, writing of monographs, writing of book or book chapters, conference proceedings. The major challenge faced by librarians in Federal Universities in the North Central, Nigeria, is lack of time due to library routine. This study concluded that most librarians in Federal Universities in North Central, Nigeria has access to electronic information resources but they do not maximise these resources for their research work. Hence this study recommended that the government at all levels should provide adequate budgetary allocation to enable these Universities involved provide efficient and effective electronic information resources to ensure greater research output. In addition, librarians‟ routine task should be minimised so that they can have time to embark on research activities using the electronic information resources.